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Navigating the future of private equity

Hosted by Investors' Chronicle in partnership with Schroders, join our panel of financial experts on 12 October, 2pm GMT in this one-hour webinar as they provide insights into private equity opportunities in today's economic environment.
Navigating the future of private equityPublished on October 10, 2023

The private equity sector has experienced exceptional growth over the past few years, and remained relatively resilient post-pandemic even as higher inflation hurt many listed companies. However, the interest rate hikes that started in earnest last year have seen investors begin to question private as well as public company valuations.

As negative sentiment continues to dog most asset classes, those considering private equity have questions of their own: what mechanisms is the sector developing to weather challenging macroeconomic environments? How accurate are unlisted company valuations? What sectors continue to see steady levels of dealmaking? How does private equity as an asset class compare to other alternative investments? And more broadly what is the outlook for PE? 

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