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'Can my tech stocks fund an early retirement?'

Portfolio Clinic: Our reader is keen to retire early and wonders if a high-octane investment approach will help. Dave Baxter takes a look
'Can my tech stocks fund an early retirement?'Published on October 25, 2024
  • Sara wants to join the 'Fire' movement and stop working in her mid-40s
  • She has already amassed nearly £1mn in investments but has no property
  • Her "aggressive" approach has led to a big allocation to US tech
Reader Portfolio
Sara 42

Pensions and investment accounts across different countries


Maximise portfolio growth ahead of an early retirement 

Portfolio type
Investing for growth

Many of us have dreamed of quitting work, retiring early and focusing on worthier pursuits. But even for the highest earners this can be hard to do without getting finances in order and getting the most out of investments.

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