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An investment portfolio designed for all conditions

Introducing the IC All-Weather Portfolio; the ultimate buy-and-hold strategy
An investment portfolio designed for all conditionsPublished on February 6, 2023

‘Expert portfolio’ may be a misnomer in the case of the portfolio we’re introducing this week. The whole point of the Investors’ Chronicle All-Weather Portfolio is that to run it requires no expertise, no timing and next-to-no effort. For that, it offers the prospect of very acceptable investment returns. What’s not to like?

Readers may recall that the IC All-Weather Portfolio got its first airing late last year (‘An All-Weather portfolio’,16 September 2022) when we suggested its approach to investing might be as good as it gets. Certainly, the clue is in the name. It is a portfolio for all investment conditions; the ultimate buy-and-hold investment vehicle.

Nor should investors take our word for it: our all-weather portfolio is derivative and comes from a brain far better than anything we can offer, that of billionaire US hedge-fund manager Ray Dalio.

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