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IC Isa Guide 2023: Strategies for Isa success

Navigating market turmoil to keep your plan on track
IC Isa Guide 2023: Strategies for Isa successPublished on March 23, 2023


Isas: shelter from a tough environment

More than 2,000 UK investors have achieved ‘Isa millionaire’ status – an impressive feat given the tax wrappers were established in 1999. But in the past year, a horrendous market sell-off has thinned the herd. Unsettling as that might seem, a lurch downward in markets is one of several incentives to make as much use of the £20,000 annual Isa allowance as possible. Market falls present good opportunities for bargain hunters with long time horizons, whether they’re seeking total returns or are drawn to juicy yields.

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Isa investment strategies for uncertain times

With the tax environment growing increasingly hostile for investors, putting as much money as possible into individual savings accounts (Isas) and pensions seems to be a straightforward choice. Unfortunately, the no-brainers end there: whatever your goal, choosing the best mix of investments has always been a challenging task. It’s one that has been amplified by recent uncertainties: high inflation and rising rates continue to worry away at markets, while a global recession remains a possibility. Tricky as it is to build the right Isa portfolio, certain rules of thumb can prove useful. 

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Our top fund picks for a selection of goals

Your Isa strategy will vary depending on your circumstances and goals. Here we examine funds that could suit different categories of investor.

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Isa platforms compared

Picking an Isa platform that makes sense for your priorities, needs and investment style can have an impact on how successful you are as an investor. We look at what changes Isa providers have made to their offerings in the past year to bring you up to speed.

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How to get the most out of Isa tax breaks

With some tax allowances reducing, it’s more important than ever to use Isas in the most effective way

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When should you consider a cash Isa?

The cuts to the dividend and capital gains allowances from 6 April mean that you should prioritise using your individual savings account (Isa) to shelter higher-returning investments such as funds and direct shareholdings. However, there are some instances when you should also consider holding cash in Isas.

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Isa vs pension: which is a better fit for your goals?

Isas and pensions are both key for tax-efficient financial planning. But with the Isa allowance at £20,000 a year and the annual contribution limit for pensions currently at £40,000 (due to increase to £60,000 from April as a result of Jeremy Hunt's Spring Budget), for many it will be a matter of choosing which to prioritise. 

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