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How to retire early

Retiring before your state pension age is an achievable target, but there is a lot to think about in order to get there. We look at how to get started
How to retire earlyPublished on August 8, 2024
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Many savers with ambitious goals will have heard of the 'Fire' movement. Originating in the US, the phrase stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early, and its followers choose to live very frugally in order to accumulate as much money as possible and retire at a very young age.

Yet unless you have on a very high salary, live off canned beans or both, the truth is that retiring in your 40s is by and large an unattainable goal. You risk having to maintain the same frugal lifestyle for the rest of your life, or else running out of funds just at the point when you start to become too old to work.

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