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An underpriced US equity outperformer

Investment Ideas of the Year: Too much bad news is priced into this trust’s market valuation
An underpriced US equity outperformerPublished on January 4, 2024

How much misery is factored into the investment trust sector? It's a question bargain hunters have been asking themselves for much of the past 12 months, with the huge share price discounts to net asset value (NAV) offering a 'cheap' way into funds of all stripes.

Tip style
Risk rating
Long Term
Bull points
  • Big discount
  • Conviction-led portfolio
  • Optionality from macro bets
  • Excellent track record
Bear points
  • Patchy disclosure
  • High costs

Often the discounts hint at well-founded investor concerns, relating to factors such as how private equity portfolios fare in a world of higher interest rates, how competitive infrastructure funds look at a time when bond yields are finally attractive, or how to value an esoteric asset class at a higher discount rate. But some names in the space do seem unfairly punished.

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