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How to find the real value in US shares

The US stock market is the last great frontier for UK investors, and while the cost of trading US shares has fallen to an all-time low, picking the right company is vital as ever
How to find the real value in US sharesPublished on January 20, 2022
  • Sticking to trackers means getting caught in bubbles
  • Value means finding overlooked but cash-rich companies

It has always been hard not to be awed by the United States. When I went there on family holidays in the 1990s, the rather sleepy county town we had left behind in the UK seemed like a throwback to the age of steam. We saw cities of gleaming glass, drive-in banks and restaurants, and enormous roads filled with cars that had bonnets like the decks of aircraft carriers.

It seemed a curious case of déjà vu then, when the search for 'non-branded' US shares led me far away into the heartland of US industry and commerce. Looking in-depth at the US market for ideas for our regular look at companies feels very much like standing on the edge of a vast frontier. But with the right discipline and focus, a UK investor can find value and opportunity on the other side of the Atlantic.

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