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The best stocks and shares Isas for investors

Understanding the myriad fees charged by providers can drive investors to despair. Val Cipriani looks at what’s on offer so you can find the right Isa for you
The best stocks and shares Isas for investorsPublished on March 14, 2024
  • It’s worth reviewing your choice of investment platform as the end of the tax year approaches 
  • Our table helps you find the best for your portfolio
  • We look at recent fee changes

Understanding platform fees can be tough. You're often comparing apples with oranges; providers that are cheap for certain portfolios can prove very expensive for others; and price changes (both large and small) are made relatively often.

Nor are comparisons only for new savers. As the end of the tax year approaches and you think about how to allocate your Isa allowance, it is also worth reviewing your overall portfolio and considering whether you are still holding it with the platform that works best for you.

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