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Back this Reit’s record of making mergers work

LondonMetric was an investable company before it revealed it was in merger talks with LXi. Now it looks even more appealing
Back this Reit’s record of making mergers workPublished on January 11, 2024

Andrew Jones has a track record of making mergers work. Three years after founding Metric in 2010, he a navigated a merger with London & Stamford to create LondonMetric (LMP), where he is currently chief executive. Under Jones' leadership, LondonMetric has since gobbled up A&J Mucklow and CT Property Trust. Shares in the FTSE 350 real estate investment trust (Reit) have increased by two-thirds over that time, and it has increased its dividend for the past nine years.

Tip style
Risk rating
Long Term
Bull points
  • Discount to NAV
  • Nine years of dividend hikes
  • Track record of smart deals
  • Consistent rental growth
Bear points
  • Development shy
  • LXi deal not guaranteed

Jones now wants to acquire LXi Reit (LXI), and we are hopeful that he can make a success of this too. The revelation that the two trusts were in deal talks came as a surprise to some analysts, although it wasn't necessarily an unpleasant one: with much to admire in a hypothetical combination, the prospect of LondonMetric emerging stronger means it could be a prime opportunity to buy in.

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