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How to make up a pension shortfall

Women are especially likely to have to take breaks from saving and investing, but there are ways to mitigate the impact of taking time off
How to make up a pension shortfallPublished on October 1, 2024
  • Keep up pension contributions as much as you can
  • Consider the fairness of your arrangements as a family
  • Make up for the time lost once you get back to work

Building up a big enough pension to retire comfortably is no easy task for anyone, but it's even trickier if you have gaps in your employment history and stop making pension contributions for a few years. This can be especially difficult for women.

In 2023, the average male employee in the private sector eligible for auto-enrolment contributed £2,710 to his pension, against just £1,970 for the average female employee, according to data from the Department for Work and Pensions. Because pension contributions are normally a percentage of salary, this reflects the differences in pay between women and men, including the fact that women are more likely to be in lower paid and part-time jobs.

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