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Renewable stocks try to find new ways to profitability

Updates have been mixed with energy production reaching record highs but companies turn to old methods to boost revenues
Renewable stocks try to find new ways to profitabilityPublished on August 22, 2024
  • Renewables targets pushed back
  • Wind power investor lists in London

The S&P global clean energy index is down almost 60 per cent since its peak in January 2021, reflecting the increased cost of capital, supply and regulatory headaches, and pessimism about environmental, social and governance (ESG) oriented stocks. But key long-term trends underpinning the energy transition remain in place, as governments pursue decarbonisation and electricity demand grows.

More electricity in the EU was generated by wind and solar than fossil fuels in the first half of 2024, the first time this has happened in a six-month period, according to think tank Ember. A new London infrastructure listing has gone ahead, showing improved investor appetite for renewables as well. 

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